Category: Resources & Blog
Do It Again
CASE STUDY: Small business owner discovers focus and purpose for his next season
CASE STUDY: Clarifying life purpose afresh at the beginning of retirement
It’s surprising how much of our identity – who and what we are here for – can be tied up in our jobs, and many people struggle to find direction and fulfillment in life outside work. Ben learned what God was saying about his calling, both the ‘tasks’ God had for him to accomplish and who he is ‘becoming’ in all of this.
Coaching Defined
Letting Go
Today I was reminded of a manager I had many years ago at the start of my career. A conversation with him taught me a valuable lesson in life. There are ‘letting go seasons’! In order to move on to the next season and achieve what you want to achieve, you have to let go of the old and step into the new.