Igniting Faith and Focus

Using our own creativity as leaders, on our residential coach training weekend, we learned how to engage people more fully in new and innovative ways on their journeys of growth, discovering their purpose and vision. Everyone left the weekend with small action steps towards large world changing visions. It was fun! But how common is it for us to be stuck in small thinking? How many of us are living only within the realms of possibility for our lives and our life vision? What about the impossible, improbable supernatural possibilities that could be available to us through our God?

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The day I found out its all going to change

When going through a difficult time 4.5 years ago, in a workshop I was attending I had a eureka moment: – The second half of my life was going to look completely different to the first. This apparently is normal, it’s called ‘outside preparation’ and its a common method God seems to use. He often prepares people outside the very realm He intends to take them. Read more about how understanding this concept gave me confidence to step into the unknown and understand unusual preparation.

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The Year I Gave Up!

Four and a half years ago I was struggling with burn out. I had no energy to dream or pursue my ambitions. My vision of helping people find their life purpose felt far away and impossible. I hoped one day I would have the mental and physical energy to lead people into the amazing potential they had, but I feared I would never feel up to it. My brain felt fuzzy. I could just about cope with everyday decisions. I put my vision, my ideas, my hopes and dreams down and learned to just survive in the present.

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