Impact Coaching

One of the most effective types of coaching is impact coaching. Impact Coaching coaches a person to understand what impact they have had, are having and can have in the future.

Standard coaching, achieves this to some level, but as it is constrained by following only what agendas a client has. It doesn’t tend to go deep into coaching awareness of impact.

When we know where our greatest impact is, we grow in confidence and focus.

Knowing our impact today, is one level of Impact Coaching, and important, but knowing where our greatest impact is, is a whole other level.

A limitation that most coaches have when coaching impact which limits their ability to see incredible client growth, is carrying assumptions as to what is possible or bringing a formulaic approach, both of which makes the possibilities very narrow and limited. It limits what is discovered and created to one narrow perception.

Co-Creative Impact Coaching opens up a view of impact from dozens and dozens of different perspectives. For example, examining and growing awareness of impact when we are flourishing and flowing in fullness of our own purpose. What does this look like? What does it feel like? How do we experience our impact in this place?

Then looking outwards, at what impact we are having on others around us at this sweet spot of flourishing. How do they experience us, emotionally or intellectually or in other ways?

We can also look at the legacy of how our impact on others moves on. For example, how does our impact change their life, their relationships, their thoughts, their trajectory for years to come?

We can also coach awareness of what impact we are having on the atmosphere and the unseen realms. From a spiritual point of view how do we impact heaven when we are flowing in all that God created us to be? What does our impact on earth look like from heaven’s perspective?

Every one of these areas take time to coach with carefully crafted, powerful impact coaching questions and techniques to employ. The results are astonishing as we give people permission to see who they really are and what impact they already are having and can have in the future.

Bringing God into impact coaching is powerful because He has plans for us. Creating a space where we explore what they are, brings great revelation.

How can we know what’s possible when we never explore our impact?

How can we step into becoming sons and daughters of God when we don’t know the incredible impact we bring.

Impact coaching allows us to lead people through multiple sessions designed on exploring their impact, past, present and future. The results are that people become aware of their uniqueness, their gifts, their influence, their potential, who they are in heaven as well as earth and much more.

Impact coaching takes a person to explore the greatest impact they could have and already do have.

How well do you understand your impact? There is so much more for you to experience and know about this?

Interested in being coached? Contact us to set you up with one of our qualified coaches for some impact coaching sessions.

Interested in learning to coach impact? Check out our new course, Coaching Life Purpose, of which coaching impact is a comprehensive module.

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