Learning to Embrace Change

Have you seen the movie ‘Ground Hog Day’?

It’s a great movie, which shows a guy getting caught up in having to relive the same day again and again and again until he changes.

Consequently, the lady he wants falls in love with him, which magically stops ‘Ground Hog Day’ and he finally gets to live a different day, the day after!

Many of us create our own version of this ‘Ground Hog Day’ scenario. Each day can feel like the same day, doing the same things and feeling stuck as to how to change anything.

Routine like this, is actually not good for us, not good for our brain and not good for our development.

So much research shows that diversity and changing it up, is good for our personal development, for the way our brain ages and for our overall happiness and fulfilment. London taxi drivers are significantly less susceptible to dementia in old age than London bus drivers. Why? Because taxi drivers are constantly having to change up their routes to find new ways to new destinations avoiding traffic. Bus drivers drive the same route day in and day out. Whatever our situation, we can actively change things up everyday.

Try it and see how it ignites fresh thinking, new ideas, new creativity and ​a fresh perspective on everything around you.

There two specific areas you can change up which will help: – ​​

1. Finding a different way to do something – e.g. a different route to work, a reversed process, a different mode of transport, a new way of filing! Boring and mundane tasks can be done differently to exercise your creativity!

2. ​​Do something different – e.g. learn a new skill, find a new job, re construct, re-decorate an area of your home, meet up with different people, read about a new topic.

​​Any of this will help you remain open minded and creative. It will help you embrace change!

Many people find change hard to deal with. Everything in the world is changing right now. Moving yourself out of ‘Ground Hog Day’, will help your thinking, which is going to help you face change in the future.

​​Things will look different, must look different. But we are creative, not designed for a linear life! We can find new ways of living our lives, of working and being happy!

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