Mel Cook is 67 years old. He is a hospital pharmacist in a small US hospital and a licensed pastor. Him and his wife have a heart for mission which in 2015 will take them to Mexico and Kenya. Mel shares about his personal and spiritual breakthroughs and success in planning his retirement
I coached someone this week and was struck by fact that they had a whole extra room in their house that wasn’t really used for anything in particular. It just stood out to me as a stark contrast in relation to where I live at the moment, on the outskirts of London.
These past few weeks I’ve seen extraordinary breakthroughs helping some people to see and believe the impossible is possible. It’s happened by using a technique I’ve used many times both on myself and clients.
Discovering and Pursuing Your Life Vision is Like Baking a Cake. What stage are you at in having clarity about your calling and purpose? If you have clarity can you recognise which components you have already and which you don’t?
As we come to the end of another year, how much time you have given to taking stock of what has happened this year? Research shows that happy people are good at celebrating successes. Research also shows that successful people tend to be optimistic in their process of taking stock.