3 ‘Co-Creative’ Coaching Techniques to Speed up Success

The Co-Creative Coaching model speeds up breakthrough and success partially by harnessing the power creativity which every one of us has. There are different approaches to coaching people through to transformation, but what we have found is that the co-creative approach accelerates results beyond what you can imagine. Here are…

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Coaching Your Breakthrough Using Declarations

Did you know that you can speak and think positive changes into your future?  A very important Biblical, kingdom principle which we integrate powerfully into the way we coach the Co-Creative Coaching Model is to use declarations. The tongue has the power of life and death,…..Proverbs 18:21 (NIV)   or   What…

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Learn more about yourself to activate positive change

If you have not been coached or learned to coach, you are missing out!The coaching process gives you important deep learning about yourself, your situation, and God.Coaching introduces a deeper level of curiosity to start you thinking beyond what you have thought before.   So start getting curious about yourself!…

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Sharon takes a brave step to set up a new business and learn a new career

Sharon, mum of four adult children, got coached by her husband (who was learning coaching) and was so impacted by the sessions she had, she made a bold decision to also learn to coach and set up her own business. Sharon wants to bring transformation to others in the way…

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