How do we find the courage to take risks?

Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced His perfect love.1 John 4:18

My job is to lead people towards having the greatest impact they can on earth living out their dreams, daring to have big vision and daring to be their greatest selves. I see people transformed and activated into living full lives that bring them peace and contentment that they are where they are supposed to be. Lives that are full of what brings them alive and what plays to their strengths.

Consequently in the process of seeing this transformation, there comes a time when big risks inevitably need to be taken. Many times I’m coaching people through stepping into the unknown.


So, just how do we gather the courage to do this?

How do we stay strong, live out our dreams, adapt and be confident?

As well as the challenge of birthing a big vision, the world around us is changing so much; extreme climate change, big economic change and technology changes all of which affect our lifestyles.

How do we find the courage to take risks and step into our destiny in the midst of all this? Practically what are ways we can do this effectively? Finding courage involves shifting from a place of fear over to confidence. So let’s explore one way the Bible says to ‘cast out fear’.

Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced His perfect love.  1 John 4:18

So ‘perfect love’ removes fear. Consequently, the more we experience God’s perfect love the more fear gets expelled and the more confidence we receive. But how do we begin to receive and experience such love?  How much about God’s special and unique love for you do you understand or know about?

The more we understand about how much God loves us, how uniquely he knows us, understands each one of us, and how completely he loves us, the more confident we become.

Have you ever asked Him to show you what He loves about you specifically? If not try it. Right now ask him the question and sit and wait to hear His answer.

On many days I ask Him, Lord what do you love about me today? What are you most proud of?

God is always talking to you, you just need to tune into the right ‘radio station’ to hear Him. Asking Him questions is a great way to tune in. For example, you can ask; ‘God in this situation what do you think about the way I’m handling it?’ ‘Can you give me more wisdom and show me new strategies to improve things?’

Lord show me your heart for me?

God show me more about your love. Show me more about how much you love me. God tell me what your dreams are for me.

Did you know that there is nothing you can do to make God stop loving you? Did you know that nothing you think, or do, none of the choices you make each day go unnoticed. He doesn’t just love you he likes you! He is fascinated by the way you think, your likes and dislikes, your dreams and every detail of your life. He is kind of obsessed with you. He wants nothing more than to have relationship with you.

He is willing to tell you His plans, to let you into His secrets. (Luke 8:10, I Cor 4:1)

Bearing in mind all this. How close do you think he is when you take those risks? When you make those choices of getting out of the boat and walking of water?

How happy is He when you start to seek your destiny? How pleased is He when you start to explore your heart to discover what you were made for which will make you truly happy and to feel fulfilled?

Being a son or daughter of God is just like being a prince or princess. A life as royalty is one of extreme favour, extreme privilege and unlimited resources.

It’s also a life of leading others into freedom, peace and abundance.

So God’s perfect love for you truly can begin to cast out your fears as you meditate on it, and draw close to Him to understand it better. The way that each of us feels loved is different and only your maker knows exactly how to love you completely. He knows you better than a closest friend or spouse and He knows how to satisfy your soul better than anyone else too.

Ask Him for more experiences of His love every day. His love will fill your heart and your head and soon there will be no room for fear and doubt.

One Comment:

  1. How do I get hold of you..and where are you based..I am in england for another week..then I go back to dubai…

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