Finding your big and little ‘whys’ to stay motivated and aligned to your purpose

There is a lot of advice out there about finding your ‘why’.

There is not just one ‘why’ though. There are many levels of finding your ‘why’.

At the top level you can find your big why. This is the big one, the answer to the big question of; ‘why am I here on the planet?’. The answer to this question is about finding your personal purpose, your mission, what you are created for. It’s a big question, but the all important one to know the answer to.

Then comes every other level. These are all the other ‘whys’. Finding your ‘why’ in your business, your job, your relationships, your mission work or just about anything you are involved in.

Of course, our top level ‘why’, our big ‘why’, is connected to every other ‘why’ we have. Finding connection between our overall big ‘why’ and our everyday tasks and relationships, helps us to stay motivated, inspired and fulfilled.

Have you ever asked yourself: Why am I doing this?

It’s a good question!

Knowing why we are doing what we are doing is very helpful. It brings us peace, a sense of being aligned, a sense of fulfilment, a sense of being within our overall purpose. That is ofcourse if when we can find our ‘whys’ in these everyday areas, it connects to our overall purpose, and mission.

But just knowing all our ‘whys’ is not always enough to feel the benefit of being motivated and fulfilled. We can know something intellectually, in our mind, but not feel it in our heart. We may know our why in our head. It will feel logical. It will make sense. It will feel wise. But we won’t necessarily feel the excitement and passion for it, that we would feel if we really knew it at a heart level.

The journey of seven inches between our head and our heart, has often been quoted as the longest and hardest journey of all!

This journey, however, is probably one of the most important ones for all of us to be able to make to live our purposes fully. (Live Your purpose fully, #lypf).

Feeling your ‘why’ as well as knowing your ‘why’ is a major key to staying motivated and having the energy and passion to fulfil it.

So, how can we ensure we are fully engaged with our ‘why’ from both a head and a heart level?

Here are some coaching tips to help you start this journey:

Connecting with your big ‘why’

  1. Ask yourself, what would I like my overall purpose on earth to be? If I could choose, what would be my too good to be true purpose here? Who would I most want to impact and in what way?
  1. Ask yourself, if I was to look back on a life where this had happened what would I feel in my heart about it?

Finding your little ‘whys’

  1. Ask yourself: What in my life points to this big almost impossible idea of a purpose? What of all I do and am involved in, has the impact of my big ‘why’ in a smaller way, ………or has the potential of having it?
  1. Ask yourself: Why else do I do what I do? What gives me fulfilment about doing it? What positive impact does it have on the world?

Allow God to speak to you

  1. Ask God: God please show me more about my top level ‘why’. God please show me about how my everyday aligns to my ‘big why.’

Christian Coaching

destiny coaching 

The answers to these questions, will help you find both your big and little whys.

The answers will help you connect your heart to your why.

Doing this exercise will help give you fresh revelation of your purpose. It will help you to connect with God’s heart and your own.

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