Biblical Wisdom for Goal Setting

This blog post is especially written for Christians that feel nervous setting big goals or planning, for fear of being out of God’s will. It will also be helpful for any Christian to get Biblical perspective on how planning and goal setting works in conjunction with following God’s lead. Being…

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A coaching framework for coaching life purpose

How can you know your purpose with 100% confidence and clarity? How do you coach people into this clarity? There are many methods to do this, here’s a quick outline of how we do via the Co-Creative Coaching Model:   Foundational Cornerstones PASSION When you are looking for 100% clarity…

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A Coaching Framework to Shift You into Greater Thankfulness and Breakthrough

There are so many shifts that thankfulness brings. Operating through the perspective of thankfulness brings peace, and blessing. Sometimes it’s a subtle change in just one area, but a perspective of thankfulness is often the key to a breakthrough. Here is a framework to help you make some subtle but…

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