A coaching model to discern timing and readiness

This article is me finishing off a quadrilogy of blogs all about how you can easily discern God’s timing through various coaching models, including from Blog 1, tips on powerful questions to ask God.

In this final blog on the subject, I want to mention Destiny Coaching’s Readiness Assessment coaching tool, which I developed.

This tool looks at both the natural and spiritual aspects of readiness and helps you to mark yourself on how ready you are in eight different categories. It contains practical categories such as, work experience, and qualifications, but also more spiritual and internal character categories such as anointing, spiritual maturity. It also has some holistic life categories such as the strength of your community, in relation to your call or mandate.

Quite often we are taught to think of work as just work and not relate it to our God given purpose. The coaching that I do uses my unique coaching model that I developed, called Co-Creative Transformational Coaching. The assumption of work just being work, a way of earning a living, is challenged from the start in this model.

We assume that God created each and every one of us with an amazing purpose. We coach that God has plans for us. As keen as many are to relegate these ‘important’ purposes of God to what they contribute in their local church, this is not solely what God had in mind when He created you.

Each and every one of us was created to impact the world in a significant way. And each of everyone of us can!

It doesn’t matter what your intellect is or what your background is. It’s not dependant on what your experience is. You are a child of God and have great authority and great anointing to bring a huge impact to the world. So firstly, the big question is what is this?

“Make your calling and election clear” (2 Peter 1:10)

We are instructed to work at knowing this!

This verse does not mean that you are to know this within the narrow confines of a church community. You want to know this in relation to your calling in the whole world. You are to know why we were born at this particular time and what you are called to influence. Where in the world, where in society are you created to bring ‘salt’ and ‘light’? (Matt 5:13). In other words where are you called to bring, hope, light, joy and love? It could be in a business, in government, in entertainment, in medicine. Only you know what your longing is. Only you know what your heart burns for. You are the one who knows how you would most want to bring change for the better if you could.

That vision, that mandate that you identify you have, which in itself is a process and takes time, is important. Once you have it the Readiness Assessment coaching tool, is invaluable.

As a child of God, with a vision that is big enough to do you justice as a child of God, you can measure how ready you are for that vision now. So, if you are 20 years old, you can measure what you have now and what you need. Same if you are 50 or even 70!

I love working with clients to get them to the stage where we do a Readiness Assessment. To get to this stage you will have a highly compelling vision, and you will be either feeling totally unprepared, and far from being able to start, or the opposite, ‘chomping at the bit’, excited and desperate to start.

The Readiness Assessment Tool, which I developed gives you a clear picture of the reality of how ready you are. What you ‘feel’ may well not be the reality! Maybe you are far more ready than you think! This often happens to older people. They haven’t realised how much God has already prepared them, but in ways they didn’t notice or expect. This tool helps you see how you have been prepared.

Alternatively, you could realise there are some glaring areas that need developing as a priority. This is so helpful to know. Once you know, you can move into developing these areas straight away. And you will understand more about how doing necessary preparation, is getting you ready to step more into your purpose, that compelling vision that you have developed with God!

Being coached through this assessment leaves you with a clear indication of what season you are in, whether it be a season of ‘preparation’ or ‘launch’ or something else. This helps you set goals in the right areas with confidence. You can be reassured that you will be improving your readiness and therefore speeding up your readiness to progress!

So, how far are you towards having that compelling vision, a picture clarifying your call and purpose, your mandate?


How much do you know about where God has prepared you towards this and where He is still preparing you?

What do you know about your readiness, from your experience, your natural abilities, your informal exposure of the realm you are looking to go into?

How prepared are you spiritually? What level of spiritual maturity would you like to progress your vision.

What healthy lifestyle factors have you worked on that will support you in any type of promotion you will undergo?

What’s your support network like? Do you have mentors to get you where you need to go? Do you have peers who share a vision at the same level as your vision?

What are you taking away from reading this?

What do you need to tap into God’s wisdom on timing for your life?

How could being coached in this model help you to understand your readiness and progress?

1 to 1 coaching for readiness assessment is available and also group sessions to be coached on this tool in a group

Contact me for more information

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