20 minute inner healing with coaching

How is it possible to see deep transformational inner healing in a single 20-minute coaching session?

Are you involved in church ministry? Do you carry out prayer ministry? Are you involved in other inner healing models?

No doubt you are aware of God’s mighty power to take trauma away and fill those places and other places with love, life, peace and whatever wholeness He chooses to bring.

Over the past few decades The Church has developed some great models for leading people through deep inner healing and towards wholeness.

The incredible results of this are seen in redeemed lives, but also open hearts to receive more of God’s healing power emotionally, spiritually and in other ways.

But God can use many ways to bring healing.

Here’s a new approach using a spirit led, coaching model which connects people to God, and seems to bring fast results!

Inner Healing with Co-Creative Transformational Coaching

Using the Co-Creative Coaching Model, from Destiny Coaching Ministries, people can be coached on any topic they wish. Quite often these topics include, wanting to be free from a particular fear that has plagued them, or wanting to feel more confident in areas where they have struggled for years.

When coaching Christians, these topics can be coached by connecting the person to have a conversation with God about the topic in their own, very personal way. This conversation is facilitated by the coach around the fear or problem that the person has bought.

The Co-Creative Difference

Instead of focussing on the fear or problem, using the Co-Creative method, a coach will choose one of several possible paths.

One path is to ignore the fear or problem and coach towards a future, highly resonant and positive vision where the fear or lack is obviously not there. The coaching builds a vivid picture of what this vision is like without that fear. After spending time creating this, God is invited in to speak into the vision, giving wisdom and insight.

From this future positive perspective of fears and problems no longer being present, a person can be coached to look at the fears, as if they are in the past. This is an incredibly empowering perspective. From this place they can see what has changed and what is different.

The coach may get the person to talk to God again, getting His perspective on what it looks like to be totally free. The incredible miracle in this approach is that by doing this, very often the fear/problem that was so present and causing anguish, seems to just disappear. It’s like no matter how hard we try and find it, it’s gone! Somehow coaching someone to see past it and really experience the truth through a future based coaching encounter, fixes it.

Maybe it’s this verse in action?

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

If you have ever experienced a Co-Creative coaching session like this, you will know that something supernatural happens.

The good thing about this approach is that the person receiving the healing does not need to go back to the past trauma which caused the fear. They don’t have to think about it or process it to get their healing. They don’t have to ‘experience’ it again. (Going back to the past issue or ‘root’, as it sometimes called, is something very common in counselling and other inner healing models. It does work of course but unfortunately the person does have to think about it all again, which can be quite distressing).

Another path that a trained Co-Creative coach would potentially take, would be to go to the fear or problem and spend a very short time having the person describe it.  Just enough time so that they can see in its yuckiness and connect with it.

I’m talking about seeing as it is today, not searching for the ‘root’ or where it came from. Once they can see it, and we use picture language to help people access their heart deeply to see it well, that’s when we start coaching them beyond it.

The coach invites God into it and asks Him about it. We would ask what God wants to do with it. We would also invite the person being coached to decide what they want to do with it.

Usually there are beliefs and lies surrounding it. Doing what I call a ‘mind renewal session’, helps break these. This is where we (the coach and the person being coached) write down the lies and ‘limiting’ beliefs that are manifesting. Simply doing this breaks a lot of their power. Sometimes all their power.

Bringing them from the subconscious to the conscious. (Most people never bother to do this. Many people will allow the lies to smoulder in their subconscious and affect their thinking and life decisions).

For every lie, we have captured on paper, we coach a person to find a positive truth, perhaps a Biblical one, certainly a Godly one, a truth and an empowering belief that directly counters each negative lie.

The person then gets coached towards how to step into these truths going forward. How they do that will differ for each person. Coaching works great here because it finds the best way for that person, a way that is completely tailored for them. It also provides accountability along the way. Like before, this method also saves the person from having to go back to a messy and traumatic past situation to dig out roots, having to re-live something horrible.

Although coaching is not specifically for inner healing, the methods described above are just a taste of how the Co-Creative coaching approach does bring inner healing many times. It accelerates breakthrough and healing for things that have been hanging around for years. It’s such a joy to see people get free.

You may have questions about this, e.g. What about ‘repentance’? Well as each session is led by the Holy Spirit in the questioning and the kind of encounters people are taken through, God has a very individual way of dealing with all that differently each time.

The beauty of it all is there is no pre-prescribed formula, just coaching skills which have been trained and honed, and which ensure space is given both to the person to be at choice and fully empowered throughout, and for God to be given space to do what He wants and to say what He wants to. The results of this are that we have seen incredible breakthrough happen literally within 20 minutes of coaching, so many times.

It all just shows what is possible when we learn how to get out of the way and truly honor God to work in any way He wants to, and when we trust and believe in people to choose life and wholeness.

Find out more about our Co-Creative Transformational Coaching Certificates to train yourself to become a transformational coach!

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