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Getting Started with creating your Dream List

Download our Dream Starter Kit and Dream List Template for creating your dream list to get you inspired to start on your own personal dream list (wish list). Having a list of your own personal dreams is part of many of our workshops and coaching programs which look at life purpose. Use it to get you started on creating your first 100 dreams.

Identify Areas in Your life to Develop

Download our Wheel of Life and fill it in to show you how well your life is in balance and which area you need to focus on developing.

A Life Map to Help you Understand the Timing and Journey of Your Calling

Josephs Timeline

The Calling Journey Timeline is a life stage map for Christians developed by Tony Stoltzfus (Master Coach). Through research on Biblical characters and successful leaders walking in their calling the map has identified common stages that we all go through. This coaching tool helps Christians to plot their own unique life journey and understand where they are at in relation to their calling. It also helps Christians to unpack the meaning behind past experiences and encounters with God to more fully understand their calling and their life messages. You can plot your own life on a timeline online here. Destiny Coaching Ministries runs interactive coaching workshops to teach the calling timeline and also provides one to one coaching on this tool. Check out our scheduled events or contact us for more information.

More Happens When You Rest

In this short 9 minute preach by Tina Southgate you’ll find out what God thinks about rest and learning to be still.

Further resources you would like to see here contact us and tell us!

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